【生輔組公告】臺南市政府教育局112學年度第2學期「臺南市中等以 上學校清寒優秀學生獎學金 "Tainan City Government Education Bureau Academic Year 112, Semester2, 'Tainan City High School and Above Outstanding Low-Income Student Scholarship'"」
【諮就組公告】轉知-教育部青年發展署「113年公部門見習第一梯次」開放投遞 "Announcement: Welcomes Everyone to Join Enthusiastically!"
【原資中心公告】112學年度桃園市原住民族清寒學生助學金計畫 "Taoyuan City Indigenous Impoverished Student Scholarship Program"
【生輔組公告】財團法人得力教育基金會「得力教育基金會清寒獎助學金」 "Deer Education Foundation Low-Income Scholarship"
【生輔組公告】財團法人臺北市九如禪林基金會「第三屆112年度優秀學生獎助學金」"The Third 112th Year Outstanding Student Scholarship of the Jiuru Zen Foundation, Taipei"
【生輔組公告】財團法人幼幼社會福利慈善基金會捐(補)助「跨縣市求學清寒學子助學方案」"The Yoyo Social Welfare and Charity Foundation Donation (Supplement) Assistance Program for Economically Disadvantaged Students Pursuing Education Across Counties and Cities"
【衛保組公告】訊息轉知:國立臺北護理健康大學辦理113年初級救護技術員教育訓練,鼓勵踴躍報名參加National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences is organizing the "113th Basic Emergency Medical Technician Education and Training Program.
【衛保組公告】訊息轉知:衛生福利部業於本(113)年1月19日以衛授疾字第 1130100040號公告修正「傳染病分類」"Classification of Infectious Diseases" on January 19, 113 (Republic of China calendar year), with the official document number 1130100040.
【生輔組】取消行政院減免學雜費調查至2月19日中午12點止 The investigation on the Executive Yuan's reduction or exemption of school miscellaneous fees will be canceled and will end at 12:00 noon on February 19th.