【宿服組公告】113學年度床位分配結果暨113-1學期進住相關說明 Bed allocation results for the 113 academic year and dormitory check in instructions of the 113-1 semester










  1. 進住時間分配:
    1. 男、女二舍各樓層住宿生:113年9月5~6日 08:30~19:30
    2. 男、女二舍3至6樓住宿生:113年9月7日 08:30~19:30
    3. 男、女二舍7至10樓住宿生:113年9月8日 08:30~19:30
  2. 9/7、9/8假日兩天入住,學校安排交管至17:30。
  3. 入住期間因推車有限,請同學務必自備簡易推車,並將行李打包以縮短入住流程與時間。
  4. 假日人潮車輛較多,建議同學多利用非假日時間入住。
  5. 請同學務必依規定時間辦理入住,避免影響個人住宿權益。
  6. 9/5~9/8,進宿車輛免費停車90分鐘。
  7. 停車超過免付費時間未離校者,啟動計費。(自入校時間起算)
  8. 請住宿生務必將行李打包好,以節省住宿時間與停車費用。



  1. For the 113 academic year bed allocation list for local & international studentsplease refer to atachment 1 to 4 (arranged in order of student number). Those who are not listed in the list are not eligible for accommodation in the next academic year.
  2. Students applying for accommodation are required to pay dormitory fees for two semesters per academic year (except for students without formal enrollment), with fees collected along with tuition in two separate installments, and cannot apply for a refund within one academic year from now on.
  3. During the stay, please abide by the management rules of Yuan Ze University student dormitory and the relevant regulations of dormitory living instructions, so as not to affect personal accommodation rights.
  4. This accommodation plan may be adjusted depending on the emergency measures for infectious diseases in the future. If necessary, beds will be collected, adjusted, canceled or suspended. Residents are requested to cooperate.
  5. The 112-1 semester dormitory will be open for check in from 9/9, please plan in advance, do not check in early, thank you.


附件一、大學部_本國男生 │ Local Undergraduate Students - Male

附件二、大學部_本國女生 │ Local Undergraduate Students - Female

附件三、本國研究生 │ Local Master & PhD Students - Male & Female

附件四、境外生 │ International Students - Male & Female



   床位相關問題洽詢專線  03-4638800 分機2867