【宿服組公告】112學年校園商家滿意度調查問卷送現金抵用券 Cash prize for questionnaire of 112 Academic Year Canteen Satisfaction
2023-12-19 |
【宿服組公告】女一舍浴廁工程缺失改善完畢,後續問題提報。Completion of Female 1st Dorm Bathroom Improvement - Reporting Follow-up Issues
2023-12-18 |
【宿服組公告】112-2學期學生宿舍人工登記候補作業 112-2 Semester Dormitory Waiting List Application
2023-12-18 |
【宿服組公告】亮美影印部服務調整 LiangMei CopyCenter Service Adjustment
2023-12-12 |
【宿服組公告】12/10 校園公車停駛公告 Notice on Bus Service Cancelled
2023-12-06 |
【宿服組公告】112-1學期 期末離(退)宿注意事項 112-1 End-of-semester Dormitory Check-out Notice
2023-11-23 |
【宿服組公告】學生宿舍春季入住境外生及研究生續住或放棄申請作業事項 Application for Dormitory Living Renewal or Withdrawal
2023-11-15 |
【宿服組公告】112學年度家訪日學餐營業公告11/18(六)/Restaurants Open on Parents' Day on November 18th (Sat.)
2023-11-13 |
【宿服組公告】男女交誼廳、男女宿舍閱讀室冷氣使用公告Announcement for the Use of Air Conditioning in the male&female lounge and Reading rooms of Male and Female Dormitories
2023-11-08 |
【宿服組公告】11/9-11/19 商家優惠活動 School Cafeteria Promotion
2023-11-08 |